About Small Sites

Sarah Boim and Rick Cheeseman SQRBDY owners

Why Small Sites was created.

Sarah Boim is the owner of Small Sites by Sarah. She is a communications specialist by trade and found a passion for small business when she founded SQRBDY Gear with her partner, Rick Cheeseman, in 2019. After designing the SQRBDY website, friends and community partners started asking for help with their websites. Career web designers can charge $5,000+ for their services, but very small businesses don’t need the level of complexity that these designers provide. Sarah looked into market rates and realized she could build great-looking, scalable websites for much less.


Meet Sarah.

Sarah Boim smiling

By day, Sarah is a communications contractor with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She is proud of her work and looks forward to logging in every day.

By night, Sarah has a great affinity for fast cars, classic Chevy trucks, and a poodle named Brembo. She’s lived in Decatur, GA since 2004, and she and Brembo have been roommates since October 2020. She beat breast cancer after a battle from the spring of 2020 until the fall of 2021.


Ready to get started on a website for your small business?